Shea, Wendy
Wendy Shea (b. Dublin, Ireland, 1937) graduated from the National College of Art with a Diploma in Painting and then spent a year in London specialising in stage and costume design.
She has worked in most aspects of theatre design, from music hall to repertory and was for several years Head of Design at the Abbey theatre, Dublin. She has also worked in television and for several years was a designer with RTÉ. She has worked in a variety of contexts outside of these positions, most notably as the creator of the infamous O'Bnen character in The Sunday Tribune. She participated in ‘Scene Change: One Hundred Years of Theatre Design at the Abbey Theatre’, at Irish Museum of Modern Art, Dublin (2004) and was commissioned by The Arts Council / An Chomhairle Ealaíon to produce work for the touring ‘School Show’ (1986).
Her work for this is now kept in The Arts Council / An Chomhairle Ealaíon’s public collection.
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